Image via Trinity PM

Keep tenants in the know. Remind tenants of certain procedures that need to be taken during the winter months to prevent hazardous situations. For example, a verbal and/or written notice reminding tenants not to leave space heaters on while they are not at home.

Inspect the units. Schedule a visit with tenants and conduct a quick but thorough inspection. Offer advice on what should be done for safety.

Create an information pamphlet. Create an information package for tenants informing them of useful tips, risks and what to do in case of emergency.

Emphasize the importance of fire safety. Winter is a dangerous month for potential fires to occur. Between the holidays, decorations, cooking, candles and heaters, tenants need to be extra cautious. Remind tenants of this and make sure everyone knows where the nearest fire extinguisher is.

Inspect all windows. Windows are one of the biggest sources for cold air entering the home in the winter. Check all windows of your property and make adjustments accordingly. You can also seal windows for the winter to keep the heat inside.

Get rid of ice. Keep the pathways, walkways and entrances around your property clean and ice-free. Remove snow and salt frequently.

Check the exterior. Winter can cause damage outside just as much as inside. Inspect the outside of your property for cracks or any damage on walls, windows and doors.